Thursday, February 9, 2023

An Overview of Different Kinds of Wireless Technology

 The planet is surrounded by nearly 5,000 satellites at any given moment. These satellites help provide more than 90 percent of the American population with access to the Internet and wireless communication. That said, only three out of 10 Americans have reliable access to high-speed Internet that adheres to speed guidelines proposed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Furthermore, nearly one-quarter of rural-based Americans, or about 14.5 million individuals, have no wireless access whatsoever.

As the FCC and other organizations push for increased wireless access throughout the nation, it can be helpful for individuals to familiarize themselves with the different types of wireless communications. Individuals who have struggled with one type of wireless technology may find their needs better met by an alternative approach.

As mentioned, satellites play a critical part when it comes to wireless communications. Satellite communications are virtually instantaneous, though the curvature of the planet and the exact arrangement of satellites at any given time can make certain lines of communication more challenging than others. Satellite technology is also highly expensive. That said, satellites are relatively reliable, resulting in NASA and other international space organizations using satellite technology for global communications.

Infrared communication, meanwhile, is a common example of wireless communication that is already present in most American homes in the form a television remote. Infrared transmissions take place between microwaves and visible light on the electromagnetic spectrum. While infrared works well in the home, any disruption of light between the photoreceiver and light beam will end the transmission, meaning infrared technology is only suitable for scenarios where there is a consistent line of sight visibility.

One of the earliest forms of wireless communication persists to this day: broadcast radio. Radio transmitters emit data via radio waves, which are collected by receiving antennae. Radio is unique in that the electromagnetic signals involved are very narrow, allowing for signals to be adjusted and broadcast along very specific frequencies. This is why an individual can easily switch between multiple radio stations.

Most Americans do not associate microwaves with communication, but microwave technology is actually used for two distinct types of communication. Satellite microwave communications are more effective than terrestrial microwave communication technology, though the former is comparable to infrared communication in that a clear line of sight is needed. Satellites can help send these signals over long distances, but inclement weather can still disrupt these transmissions. Terrestrial microwave technology also requires a clear line of sight and is usually limited to short distances, but the use of multiple receivers can negate the need for an outside network.

A low-power, widely used example of wireless communications in the United States is Wi-Fi Internet. Wi-Fi is such a low-power connection that it is freely available at many stores and restaurants throughout the nation. Wi-Fi is powered by a physical wired network accessed via router, resulting in a network that is very local but also very easy to power. The mobile phone industry has developed a number of mobile communication systems that are comparable to Wi-Fi but larger and more secure in scale.

Bluetooth is similar to Wi-Fi as a relatively new form of wireless communication. Bluetooth is also highly localized. However, Bluetooth is a versatile communication tool that can aid in the transmission of both written messages and various data files. While Bluetooth was initially conceived as a replacement for physical cables, the technology is usually limited to a 30-foot range, which can be further hindered by walls and other obstacles.

While these forms of wireless communication represent the majority of the industry, there are countless alternative technologies and aerial designs available. Home and business owners should carefully research every technology to determine which product offers the fastest, most reliable wireless connections.

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